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Games No Big Studio Would Ever Make
Apolune 2
Indie Games!
Play time! Lost Astronaut Studios has been making Indie Games since 1991. We also are co-founders of the indie developer community where you can discover other indie games and promote yours, if you have one.
Web Development
Open Source (Free!) Software
We provide open source solutions for indie developers who use GameMaker, C++ and other engines. Tools on Steam
Web Development
BattleTech® Lost Astronaut's Creative Commons Hex Maps
Downloadable, printable maps for use with hex-based "American Mecha" games

Apolune 2

Deep space mining, with friends! A single player roguelike or cooperative experience that is fun at parties. Check it out on the Atari VCS or on Steam and the Steam Deck

Apolune 2
Apolune 1


A mutating bullet hell shooter that starts slow and gradually accelerates.

All our Steam Games

Check out all of our offerings on Steam

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Post 1

Until The World Ends Card Game is the home of our board and card games!

We co-founded because it provides marketing, and as game developers, we hate marketing! was founded to provide a hub for independent gamers as a place to find independently produced games and their developers, who may not have the budget or bandwidth to do as much marketing as they wish they could; check it out and come meet the developers

Lusus Belli (coming soon)


3D Print: The Legend

Coming soon! Information about 3DPTL


We give a lot back to our fellow indie developers. Helping us, by buying our games, helps the indie community. If you use our work in your games, please credit us to help spread the word!